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Input elements are used to gather information from users.

Inputs are normally paired with a label, but there are times when they can be used without a label. Placeholder text should primarily be used as a content prompt and only provided when needed.

<!-- Base -->
<div class="d-flex gy4 fd-column">
<label class="s-label" for="example-item1">Full name</label>
<p class="s-description mtn2 mb0">This will be shown only to employers and other Team members.</p>
<input class="s-input" id="example-item1" type="text" placeholder="Enter your input here" />

<!-- Disabled -->
<div class="d-flex gy4 fd-column">
<label class="s-label" for="example-item2">Display name</label>
<div class="d-flex ps-relative">
<input class="s-input" id="example-item2" type="text" placeholder="Enter your input here" disabled />
{% icon "Lock", "s-input-icon fc-black-400" %}

<!-- Readonly -->
<div class="d-flex gy4 fd-column ps-relative is-readonly">
<label class="s-label" for="example-item3">Legal name</label>
<div class="d-flex ps-relative">
<input class="s-input" id="example-item3" type="text" placeholder="Enter your input here" readonly value="Prefilled readonly input" />
{% icon "Lock", "s-input-icon" %}

This will be shown only to employers and other Team members.

The best accessibility is semantic HTML. Most screen readers understand how to parse inputs if they're correctly formatted. When it comes to inputs, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • All inputs should have an id attribute.
  • Be sure to associate the input’s label by using the for attribute. The value here is the input’s id.
  • If you have a group of related inputs, use the fieldset and legend to group them together.

For more information, please read Gov.UK's article, "Using the fieldset and legend elements".

Labels or instructions must be provided when content requires user input. For any input field within a form that is required for successful data submission, provide the asterisk * as a symbol and a legend advising the meaning of the symbol before the first use.

Stacks includes a special .s-required-symbol class to ensure the symbol (asterisk) is clearly visible.

Class Applies Definition
.s-required-symbol abbr element enclosing the asterisk Used to style the asterisk indicating that a specific field is required.
<abbr class="s-required-symbol" title="required">*</abbr>

Required symbols are not necessary for areas where only a single input field is seen on the page (ex: sign up modals). For more information, see WCAG Technique H90.

<div class="d-flex w100 jc-space-between ai-center">
<h1 class="fs-headline1 fw-normal mb16">
Ask a question
<p class="fs-caption fc-black-400">Required fields<abbr class="s-required-symbol" title="required">*</abbr></p>
<form class="d-flex fd-column gy16">
<div class="d-flex gy4 fd-column">
<label class="s-label" for="example-title-required">Title<abbr class="s-required-symbol" title="required">*</abbr></label>
<input class="s-input" id="example-title-required" type="text" placeholder="Type a title" />
<div class="d-flex gy4 fd-column">
<label class="s-label" for="example-body-required">Body<abbr class="s-required-symbol" title="required">*</abbr></label>
<textarea class="s-textarea hmn1" id="example-body-required" placeholder="Type a question"></textarea>
<div class="d-flex gy4 fd-column">
<label class="s-label" for="example-ask-members">Ask team members</label>
<input class="s-input" id="example-ask-members" type="text" placeholder="Type a name" />

Ask a question

Required fields*

Validation states provides the user feedback based on their interaction (or lack of interaction) with an input. These styles are applied by applying the appropriate class to the wrapping parent container.

Class Applies Definition
.has-warning Parent wrapper for input Used to warn users that the value they’ve entered has a potential problem, but it doesn’t block them from proceeding.
.has-error Parent wrapper for input Used to alert users that the value they’ve entered is incorrect, not filled in, or has a problem which will block them from proceeding.
.has-success Parent wrapper for input Used to notify users that the value they’ve entered is fine or has been submitted successfully.

In most cases, validation states shouldn’t be shown until after the user has submitted the form. There are certain exceptions where it can be appropriate to show a validation state without form submission—after a sufficient delay. For example, validating the existence of a username can occur after the user has stopped typing, or when they’ve deselected the input.

Once the user is presented validation states, they can be cleared as soon as the user interacts with the form field. For example, the error state for an incorrect password should be cleared as soon as the user focuses the input to re-enter their password.

Similarly to using for with labels, validation messages below inputs should be associated with their respective fields using the aria-describedby attribute for accessible behavior.

<div class="d-flex gy4 fd-column has-warning">
<label class="flex--item s-label" for="example-warning">Username</label>
<div class="d-flex ps-relative">
<input class="s-input" id="example-warning" type="text" placeholder="" aria-describedby="example-warning-desc" />
<p id="example-warning-desc" class="flex--item s-input-message mb0">Caps lock is on! <a href="#">Having trouble entering your username?</a></p>

Caps lock is on! Having trouble entering your username?

In addition to using the "error" state for a field, be sure to use the aria-invalid attribute to indicate to assistive technology that respective fields have failed validation.

<div class="d-flex gy4 fd-column has-error">
<label class="flex--item s-label" for="example-error">Username</label>
<div class="d-flex ps-relative">
<input class="s-input" id="example-error" type="text" placeholder="e.g. johndoe111" aria-describedby="example-error-desc" aria-invalid="true" />
<p id="example-error-desc" class="flex--item s-input-message mb0">You must provide a username. <a href="#">Forgot your username?</a></p>

You must provide a username. Forgot your username?

<div class="d-flex gy4 fd-column has-success">
<label class="flex--item s-label" for="example-success">Username</label>
<div class="d-flex ps-relative">
<input class="s-input" id="example-success" type="text" aria-describedby="example-success-desc" />
<p id="example-success-desc" class="flex--item s-input-message mb0">That name is available! <a href="#">Why do we require a username?</a></p>

That name is available! Why do we require a username?

Stacks provides helper classes to consistently style an input used for search. First, wrap your search input in an element with relative positioning. Then, and add s-input__search to the input itself. Finally, be sure to add s-input-icon and s-input-icon__search to the search icon.

<div class="ps-relative">
<label class="v-visible-sr" for="example-search">Search</label>
<input class="s-input s-input__search" id="example-search" type="text" placeholder="Search…" />
@Svg.Search.With("s-input-icon s-input-icon__search")
<div class="ps-relative">
<label class="v-visible-sr" for="example-creditcard">Credit Card</label>
<input class="s-input s-input__creditcard" id="example-creditcard" type="text" />
@Svg.CreditCard.With("s-input-icon s-input-icon__creditcard")
Name Size Class Example
Small 12px .s-input__sm
Default 13px N/A
Medium 17px .s-input__md
Large 21px .s-input__lg
Extra Large 27px .s-input__xl

Input fills are used to visually connect input text boxes with related content.

<div class="d-flex gy4 fd-column">
<label class="flex--item s-label" for="website-url">Website URL</label>
<div class="d-flex">
<div class="flex--item s-input-fill order-first">https://</div>
<div class="d-flex fl-grow1 ps-relative">
<input class="flex--item s-input blr0" type="text" id="website-url" placeholder="" />
<div class="d-flex gy4 fd-column">
<label class="flex--item s-label" for="min-salary">Minimum Salary</label>
<div class="d-flex">
<div class="d-flex ai-center order-last s-input-fill">
<div class="d-flex gx4 ai-center">
<input class="flex--item s-checkbox" type="checkbox" id="need-visa" />
<label class="flex--item s-label s-label__sm fw-normal" for="need-visa">Need Visa Sponsorship</label>
<div class="d-flex fl-grow1 ps-relative">
<input class="flex--item s-input brr0" type="number" id="min-salary" placeholder="e.g. 125,000" />

An input can be nested within a container that has the .s-input class applied to display styled elements as if they're within an input.

<div class="d-flex fd-column g4">
<label class="s-label" for="tag-selector">Tags</label>
<div class="s-input d-flex fw-wrap g8">
<span class="s-tag">
<button class="s-tag--dismiss" type="button" title="Remove tag">@Svg.ClearSm</button>
class="s-input bc-transparent bs-none p0 wmn1"

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